01229 820747   dalton@littleandcaine.co.uk




Dear Families, 

For 3 generations, we have proudly helped and supported families at their time of need and we stand ready to help now. 

During this time of uncertainty, we remain open and our experienced, caring staff continue to assist families, during this critical period. 

Our heart and thoughts go out to those affected by this virus and to those whose lives have been changed due to COVID-19. 

At all our Branches, the health and wellbeing of our families and our staff, are our main priority and we wish to assure you of the diligence of our approach. 

Please be patient: the guidelines we are following are set by our funeral trade associations: National SAIF and the NAFD, following their meetings with the government. The measures introduced are to preserve the safety of all and are changing daily. 



While the Covid-19 virus requires all of us to be more mindful and responsible as we go through our regular activities, rest assured that our funeral branches are clean and safe. Our protocols cover hand-washing, hygiene, cleaning products, safety equipment and good housekeeping.  

N.B. Please phone the branch prior to visiting, to reduce waiting times and allow us to support safe distancing within our buildings, a face covering will be required. Please keep the number of people attending any arrangement meeting to a minimum, tell us how many people will attend.  


If you have recently lost a loved one, or wish to discuss a pre-arrangement, our teams are here for you. Our caring staff can help you make the arrangements via telephone or e-mail. Please discuss any additional needs with a member of our team. Travel restrictions, health concerns or any other concern will be discussed individually by your funeral director. All face to face contact you will need a face covering. 

Losing a family member or friend is never easy. We are sensitive that these unsettling times poses challenges for us all. 

Reviewed 4th September 2020


  • Families must consider limiting attendees to a modest number of close friends and family of the deceased and should have no more than 30 people in attendance. Attendance should also be within the capacity limits of the premises so that social distancing can be strictly adhered to. In some cases that may be less than 30 people. 
  • Those who are in the high-risk categories and are not self-isolating can be accommodated but must discuss this with the funeral director.  
  • Mourners who are self-isolating due to someone in their household or support bubble being unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 or as advised by NHS Test and Trace, but are not symptomatic themselves, will be facilitated to attend the funeral in person should they wish to do so. 
  • Families must be able to provide a comprehensive list of mourners prior to the day with contact details for test and trace purposes. 
  • Our Trevelyan Chapel is operating under the Government guidelines to support attendance as mentioned above and is subject to change  
  • The Trevelyan Chapel is able to offer families remote participation via Video and/or Live Web Casting Service, to support those unable to attend. Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature, or a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell) should not attend the funeral as they pose a risk to others; remote participation should be considered. 
  • Limousines for 6 people within no more than two bubbles are permitted with some restrictions; Measures are in place similar to public transport rules and are subject to change. advice on social distancing when travelling to and from the funeral gathering by whichever means should always be adhered to 
  • Donations –are now cashless and can be gift aided via our obituary page on our website. 
  •  Church services are permitted with restrictions following government guidelines. The local councils for the Crematoria and Cemeteries have their own guidance that we must adhere too. As funeral directors, we must comply with each environment’s guidelines 

Reviewed 4th September 2020

Please know that we are here for you. The safety and wellbeing of you, your family, your friends and our staff, is of utmost importance. 

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us in the usual way – we are available 24 hours a day. 

Yours faithfully, 

Paul and the Little and Caine Team 


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Little and Caine (Holdings) Limited is an appointed representative of Golden Charter Limited trading as Golden Charter Funeral Plans which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN:965279).

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